Prevention into Action: An opportunity to collaborate for upstream homelessness prevention

September 13, 2024


minute read
Rick Henderson
Chief Executive, Homeless Link

As the national membership charity for the homelessness sector, Homeless Link have seen the challenges faced by our membership who are at the sharp end of delivering emergency and crisis responses, supporting people facing homelessness and rough sleeping. Over the past year, Homeless Link have been funded by the National Lottery Community Fund to work closely with our members across the sector, along with Cardiff and Heriot-Watt universities to better understand the funding landscape, and co-produce recommendations for a decisive shift towards funding the prevention of homelessness.

We know that support for people at risk of homelessness is insufficient. The total number of people estimated to be sleeping rough on a given night in 2023 was 3,898, a 27% increase in one year. 142,490 children were recorded to be living in temporary accommodation in England at the end of September 2023.

We hear from the sector that services are working further downstream, responding to the emergency of homelessness, but are frequently unable to plan for how to prevent it.

Our research Prevention into Action and Funding Prevention Paper launched last week have been developed in partnership with the homelessness sector, trusts and foundations. It identifies the challenges in homelessness prevention but also the opportunities for change. The report shows only 0.7% of the £78m total allocated by grant funders to homelessness prevention in England during 2021-2023 went to upstream prevention. The research calls for a clear focus on universal prevention, including protective factors such as quality housing, work and education; with new funding to be made available towards upstream prevention focused on high-risk groups and risky transitions which occur before the statutory duty to prevent homelessness is triggered.

“Our study shows an inadequate approach towards homelessness prevention across England. A lack of early intervention has perpetuated a cycle of crisis, with devastating effects on individuals, families and communities. There is an urgent need to prioritise upstream prevention, ensuring that vulnerable groups are supported before they become homeless” Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Director of Heriot-Watt University’s Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE)

This work has highlighted the vital need for greater funding to be directed towards upstream prevention. By focusing on earlier intervention, we not only prevent homelessness, but also reduce the damaging and traumatic impact that even short-term homelessness has on people's lives.

Through our analysis of funding data, and the collective perspectives of local authorities, VCSE partners and funders, we have mapped out the ideal parameters of a future funding programme.

Rick Henderson
Chief Executive, Homeless Link

Today, we are calling for a radical step change across the funding system shifting towards a funding system that supports preventative services to emerge, embed and deliver in local communities. We see co-production and the voice of people with lived experience as key to this work to enable person centred approaches. We are currently working with Expert Link to engage people with lived experience of homelessness in the design of a grant fund and to involve this voice throughout our grant funding processes. Crucially, through our work and engagement in the sector we know that funding which is flexible, accessible, impact focused, innovation enabling, and longer term is essential.  

Through the findings of our analysis of funding data, and the collective perspectives of local authorities, VCSE partners, and funders, we have mapped out the ideal parameters of a future funding programme. Homeless Link are now seeking to establish a coalition of funders who can take this work forward with us.

Join us for a roundtable to discuss and build on the work to date, to take proactive steps to collectively redress funding imbalances and move from emergency responses to preventative ones. This session will be held on 22nd October at a central London venue and will be your opportunity to hear presentations by Homeless Link staff and Professor Peter Mackie from Cardiff University. To register your interest please contact Alex McKenzie at Homeless Link:

This session is relevant to funders interested in funding homelessness, poverty alleviation and social justice. But to enable true change we require systems to work better together, we therefore view essential partners in funding this work to have interests in criminal justice and probation, health, education, young people, migration and relationships... to name but a few!

We know conversations and connections don’t just establish themselves while sitting around a table, there will be ample time for networking with other funders and meeting Homeless Link staff. If you can’t make this event, but are interested to hear more, please reach out to me to discuss further:

Get involved

Register your interest in Homeless Link's 22 October roundtable event on funding homelessness prevention.

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