Funder-to-Funder Infrastructure Group

Civil society infrastructure
Peer learning
Existing collaboration

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Imagine if a champion funder invested in making this Hub known to thousands of additional funders. That's one of hundreds of powerful examples of how funders could achieve a huge cascading effect. We inspire funders to include this added dimension: thinking big plus broad has extensive potential.

Peter Brach, Founder at Propel Philanthropy, has established a diverse Funder-to-Funder Infrastructure Group which meets on a quarterly basis.

Peter began this group with a conviction that we could achieve exponential progress by investing in broad, cross-cutting solutions. For example, trillions of dollars will change hands by the decade’s end. We certainly have the potential to better prepare for this unprecedented watershed. Today, only 2% of the global financial market is invested in advancing social impact. We have enough resources among us to at least double those numbers to 2.3 trillion dollars by the end of the decade. We can work alongside many more governments. We can significantly improve our capacity to identify and scale best-of-class innovations. These are a few of many examples that could move us from addressing just one or a few to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We invite you to read our piece, Imagine The Possibilities and generate ideas yourself. Collective thinking is crucial to our group’s success!

We must bring many more funders into our conversations. Doing so will open new doors and resources. Building a strong collective will help us achieve exponential progress by leveraging the full potential of broad, cross-cutting solutions. All funders, large or small, private or institutional with a self-directed endowment are warmly invited to join our group.

How to get involved

Sign up here to join and attend our quarterly meetings. You can also connect with Peter Brach on LinkedIn or by email:

Who's involved

Who was involved

Who was involved

Major foundations that have participated in our meetings include the Gates, Hilton, Ford, eBay, and Flora Family foundations. We have also had attendance from private funders and foundations with endowments from small to large.  

Learning and Resources

Alliance Magazine has published an interview series in partnership with WINGS and Propel Philanthropy.

Our Organization page lists 80 social impact infrastructure organizations.

Also check out our information on direct benefits and indirect benefits of social impact infrastructure organizations.

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.