Closing Thoughts

2:00 pm

A roundtable for funders, hosted by Stewarding Loss with Campaign Bootcamp and the Small Charities Coalition

Thursday 20th October, 2:00-5:00pm

Location: Paul Hamlyn Foundation, 5 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HY

The recent closures of Small Charities Coalition and Campaign Bootcamp have created ripples within and beyond civil society in the UK.

Stewarding Loss supported both organisations to design their final chapters - The Small Charities Coalition's is outlined here, and the Campaign Bootcamp report outlining the lessons they learned growing and closing their organisation is available here. This work revealed valuable insights around the state of closures and endings in civil society, as well as the pressures civil society organisations are under at this time.

Funders are invited to join us for a small and intimate event where we’ll hear honest testimony from trustees and staff who lived those last few months of the organisation. This will offer you the opportunity to learn from their experiences and invest the wisdom and knowledge of these organisations and their endings into the future of your grant making practice and strategy.

This will be an intimate session with space for honest reflection with limited capacity, so we’ll only be able to host one representative from each organisation. If you would like to attend, please email Louise Armstrong.

The event will be conducted by Chatham House rules.

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