High-impact climate philanthropy: how to power systems change through bold bets

10:00 am
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
In person
In person

Event location: The Conduit Club, 6 Langley Street, London WC2H 9JA

How can philanthropists maximize the impact of their donations to address climate change? The answer lies in studying history.

Arguably two of the greatest advances in the climate fight have happened over the last 15 years, with prices of batteries declining by 80% since 2013, and solar panels by 96% since 2008. These are the kind of advances that catalyzed the transformation of our energy and transportation systems.

How can philanthropists apply the invaluable lessons from history to turbocharge the next phases of the energy transition? What bold bets can philanthropists take to propel systems change?

Join Giving Green, a climate charity evaluator, as we facilitate an in-person discussion among a select group of forward-thinking funders and advisors. Dr. Dan Stein, founder of Giving Green, will guide the discussion with research on how philanthropists can amplify their impact through systems-changing giving opportunities, especially in policy and technology. Attendees will have an opportunity to exchange insights on the challenges and opportunities of identifying, measuring and supporting long-term, uncertain bets.

The event is open to climate funders and advisors only. To express your interest, please fill out the form here. A member of Giving Green will get in touch.

About Giving Green

Giving Green is a guide for individuals, foundations and businesses to make more effective climate giving decisions. We help you find evidence-based, cost-effective, and high-leverage organisations that maximize the impact of your climate donations.

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