How to assess and evaluate digital products and services

10:00 am
4:00 pm
4:00 pm

Digital products and services can help non-profit organisations to increase efficiency, reach and impact (as shown in the Catalyst case-study here), and the need for digital support has remained consistent (in the 2023 Charity Digital Skills report, 49% of charities urgently need funds for devices, software and infrastructure).

Monitoring and evaluating a digital product or service often requires a different approach from traditional evaluations designed for in-person services. In 2023, Catalyst supported the evaluation and research consultancy inFocus to conduct research that explored how approaches to these types of evaluation differ, and how different stakeholders can adapt accordingly. It culminated in the guide here.

The event

This hybrid event from Catalyst (with options to join online or in-person) will build on the guide above, but will look more specifically at how funders and grant makers can support the monitoring and evaluation of digital products and services (from funding application through to final report). The event will support you to:

  • Learn how to best assess and measure the impact of digital products and services in the non-profit sector and track their success
  • Put the learning into action by reviewing practical examples of funding applications and exploring different evaluation scenarios
  • Hear from other funders about their approaches to assessing and measuring the impact of digital projects (whether they are standalone digital projects, or a part of a wider programme)

Who is the event for?

The event is open to any funders and grant makers that currently fund, or are interested in funding, digital products and services in the not-for-profit sector (whether through a specific digital funding programme or as part of a general funding scheme).  The first half of the event is designed for senior stakeholders as well as grant managers, as it provides an overview of the principles of digital project evaluation (and initial assessment, as obviously the two are linked). The second half is a practical session for grant managers, to explore putting the theory into practice across the grant management cycle.


The in-person version of the event will be hosted by the Abbey Community Centre in Kilburn: 172 Belsize Rd, London NW6 4BJ. The online version of the event will take place on Microsoft Teams.

Further information

Full details of the agenda, speakers/facilitators and how to register are available here.

Learning and Resources