Learning From Organisational Closures In The Children And Youth Sector: A Chatham House Event for Funders and Strategic Stakeholders

1:30 pm
4:30 pm
4:30 pm
In person
In person

The children and youth sector has seen a number of significant organisational closures over the past year - some planned, others unexpected. Amidst mounting financial, social, and political pressures, this critical part of the non profit lifecycle is often overlooked.

Hosted by the Decelerator, a first-of-its-kind support service for civil society organisations planning or delivering endings, this Chatham House event will provide funding organisations with an opportunity for candid reflection and learning.

We will be joined by trustees or staff of two recently closed organisations and hear their reflections and thoughts on their journeys through endings: British Youth Council and Children England. These organisations had different purposes and different journeys to their closure. Together we will explore the lessons that might be learnt from these closures and consider how to ensure these insights inform the future.

This event will cover sensitive topics. It will be a closed-door session. It will offer funders and other stakeholders a supportive space to grapple with the realities and responsibilities around organisational endings in the current context. We will explore the following questions together:

  • What can be learned from the closures of Children England and the British Youth Council about the state of children / youth organisations, infrastructure organisations and the significant pressures at this time?
  • What do these closures show about what patterns are emerging in charity closures?
  • What can funders do or consider in order to mitigate the impact of the patterns these closures point to?
  • What is the role of funders when organisations reach the point of potential closure?

This event will not attribute blame. Nor will it surface easy or simple answers to these very complicated questions. And it will be important to remember that there will be many experiences and perspectives who won't be represented in the room. Instead it's simply a space for curiosity, reflectiveness, compassion and learning.

  • Attendees: You are welcome to sign up if you are a funder that funds the children and youth sectors, or a strategic stakeholder (eg. regulator, infrastructure body etc)*
  • What to bring: an open, curious mind.

*We have limited availability and will allocate places based on 'first come first served' and to ensure a diverse range of organisations are represented in the room. To secure your place, please RSVP by September 15th (please note: we are unable to offer 'dial in' or remote attendance for this event.)

Learning and Resources