The boardroom and beyond: How can we share power with young people?

12:00 pm

Join this interactive online event exploring how organisations can best involve young people in decision-making.

Over the last three years, the Listening Fund has been supporting youth organisations and funders to strengthen their listening practice and to explore how to better share power with young people. This event will consider the topic in two parts:

First, a panel discussion will showcase different approaches organisations have taken - including the challenges and benefits of involving young people in decision-making.

We will hear from youth organisations and funders including Gendered Intelligence and Children in Need, who have tried:

  • Involving young people in formal governance as trustees or by forming shadow boards or youth forums
  • Empowering young people to set priorities and make funding decisions
  • Engaging young people in strategy development

We will also hear from young people who have been involved in organisational decision-making.

Second, a participatory workshop will allow attendees to explore key questions from the panel discussion and their own experiences.

This event focuses on youth organisations and funders, but has wider relevance for organisations considering how to best respond to the realities of young people’s lives, or share power with people with lived experience.

This event series is organised by Collective Discovery - the learning partner of the Listening Fund.

Read more learning from the Listening Fund in their funder collaboration case study.

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